Other Useful Links

The Department of Bioversity, Conservation and Attractions, is the official WA government web site for wildlife information.

All the laws that apply to our wildlife can be found on this site.

Link to web site

Healthy Wildlife is a web site created by Murdoch University and leading Wildlife carers and conservationist in WA (embedded below). It provides contact details for all wildlife rehabilitation options in WA. It is also packed with hints and tips on how to keep our wildlife healthy.

A few more sites you may like to view...

The Spruce is an American site, but the same principles apply worldwide. They have great pictures and easy explanations. Here are a few examples:

What NOT to do if you find a baby bird

What TO do if you find a baby bird

Wildcare Australia a South-East Queensland Australian organisation and their web site (embedded below) has a great section on Baby Birds:

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