Special note on ducklings

Immediate first aid care of ducklings

Photo: Posted by Katrina Anderson on friends of Kanyana

Even though ducks are born able to walk and self feed, while very young, they will die if they do not have the protection and guidance of their parents.

So, if you see really young ducklings,and they appear to be abandoned, follow the flow chart as for all baby birds:

  • If they are injured, they will need to be taken to a care facility
  • If not injured, try and find their parents and reunite them
  • Only as a last resort should uninjured ducklings be taken into care

DO NOT TRY and care for ducklings yourself. There are specialized carers who ensure these ducklings will be raised and be able to be released back into the wild. So, get the ducklings to care facility as soon as possible.

Here are some immediate tips for caring for ducklings whilst you are transferring them to a wildlife care facility.

  • Ducklings imprint very quickly. The goal is to raise them for release into the wild. For this reason they must not be handled any more than is absolutely necessary, even though they are VERY cute.
  • Ducklings can jump very high for their size. A large plastic container or a good strong deep cardboard box lined with lots of newspaper will work well.
  • Ducklings also require warmth. Either a lamp or warm, hot water bottle will be suffice. IMPORTANT: If you keep ducklings overnight in a box on a cold cement floor, unheated, they are very likely to get chilled and die within a day or two.
  • Ducklings naturally hide under the wings of their parents so something to make them feel secure should be provided. Cuddly toy, feather duster, something they can huddle under.
  • Ducklings in care should not have water to swim in as long as they have an adequate supply of fresh and filtered (if possible) drinking water. They either have to eat wet food or drink as they eat.
  • Only ever give a water container just large enough to drink from but not large enough to swim in. A shallow dish such as a plastic lid is perfect.
  • Ducklings have no waterproofing on their feathers, if they become saturated, they will die from hypothermia.
  • Ducklings should NOT be fed bread or human food. The best thing you can do is contact an experienced carer as soon as possible. If desperate, ducklings can be given duck or chick starter mix.

Once you get the ducklings successfully to a care facility, a qualified duckling carer will rear them and release them back into the wild.

Photo: Successful duckling release - Posted by Tracy Brownell on Friends of Kanyana

Reference: https://www.vetwest.com.au/pet-library/duckling-se...

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